A downloadable AutoHotkey script

UPDATE: You can now roll 3 of each die.

This AutoHotkey 2 script converts text shortcuts into dice rolls, playing card draws, and oracle results.

Instructions: After installing AutoHotkey 2, download SoloRollerBasic.ahk and run the script. A splash screen with a list of commands and their functions will appear. 

Simply fire up any text editor and type the commands as you write to randomize a result. Results automatically replace the typed command on a new line. The commands are as follows...

  • Dice Rolls:
    • >d4, >d6, >d10, >d12, >d20: Roll one of the specified dice.
  • Yes/No Oracle:
    • >fate: Generate a Yes/No result with And/But modifiers.
  • Playing Card Draws:
    • >deck: Draw a random card from a full deck.
    • >pip: Draw a pip card (Ace–10).
    • >face: Draw a face card (Jack, Queen, King).
  • Coin Flip:
    • >flip: Flip a coin and get "Heads" or "Tails."

Extra randomizers to jumpstart the ol' brain meat:

  • NPC Generator:
    • >npc: Randomizes an NPC. Includes gender, age, personality, reaction, and threat level.
  • Scene Generator:
    • >scene: Randomizes a scene description. Specifies if indoor/outdoor, size, population, and atmosphere.
  • Item Generator:
    • >item: Randomizes an item. Includes age, value, condition, rarity, and type.

To customize, open the script file in a text editor and hammer away :)


SoloRollerBasic v0.2.ahk 6.3 kB

Install instructions

You'll need AutoHotkey 2 (Windows only) to run this tool. Some antivirus software flag it as dangerous; this is a false positive. ;)

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